– cylinder glass with cork –
The Calathea is one of the most popular plant at the moment. She is very beautiful but much demanding. Originally you will find the plant mainly in the jungles of South America and in the Amazon. But now she can grow simply in your living room! Every evening the plant will close her leaves to get some sleep, in the morning she will open her leaves again.
Product information
Measurement: 4 x 20 cm
Care instructions
The Calathea comes in a vase, when she arrives it is important to give her water. The sprout should remain in water with his roots. Make sure that only the roots are under the water. When the sprout is too big for the bottle, you can easily trim the plant with a regular scissor. The best temperature for the sprout is between 15 and 25 degrees. Sprout’s love sunlight but they don’t need it to survive.